Taking advantage of a unique, modular design, each Futura console is capable of running a variety of analyticalmethods using different CFA techniques. The integration of a pump, manifold, and detector into each console simplifies manifold changeover. Advanced features like automatic manifold washout and shut down enable ‘lights-out’ operation make the Futura a highly versatile tool for today’s laboratory.
Consoles may be linked to run multiple parameters in parallel, doubling, tripling or even quadrupling overallsystem throughput. Up to 12 analytical channels in any combination can be run simultaneously. From simple colorimetric assays to complex in-line distillations and digestions, users can pick from a library of both micro-bore and macro bore CFA methods. Whether your needs are environmental, industrial, food, or wine applications, the Futura can provide an automated solution.
• From 1 to 12 Futura consoles per system,
• Integrated console: reagent drawer, pump, manifold, heater, detector and diagnostics,
• Easy analytical manifold change over,
• Choose between Micro Flow, Macro Flow, or combine them both,
• Optional dual probe on all types of auto-samplers,
• Physical and software debubbling techniques available,
• Multiple path length flow cells (5 to 50mm) for a wide variety of analytical ranges,
• Wide range of detector options.
• Automation of complex, time consuming
manual methods
• Inline Distillations
– Ammonia, phenolics, cynanides
– Volatile Acidity (VA), Free and Total SO2
• Inline Digestions
– TP via acid persulfate
– TP via inline autoclave
• Inline extractions
– MBAS Surfactants
• Automated programmable startup
• Automated preparation of calibration standard solutions
• Automated pre-and post run dilutions of off-scale samples
• Programmable post-run manifold washout and shut-down