High-Accuracy CO2 Analyzer
- Extremely Accurate
- Measures over a very wide range of concentrations
- Unsurpassed Performance
Insensitive to all other atmospheric gases, the High-Accuracy CO2 Analyzer measures carbon dioxide in dry ambient air with unprecedented accuracy and precision (total measurement uncertainty of less than 1 part in 3000). The instrument can store data practically indefinitely on its internal hard disk drive and can send real-time data to a data logger through its analog, digital (RS232), and Ethernet outputs allowing unattended long-term standalone operation.

Based on high-resolution direct-absorption spectroscopy (see Theory of Operation), the instrument offers negligible zero and span drift and a significantly reduced need for regular calibration with expensive reference gases (compared with conventional instruments). The High-Accuracy CO2 Analyzer is designed for applications that require the performance of a reference laboratory without the need for regular calibration with expensive gas standards.
Better than 0.05% of reading
Concentration Range
100 ppmv-1%
Repeatability/Precision (1-sigma, typical ambient levels, 0.1 Hz)
Better than 0.05% of reading
Response Time (flow time through measurement cell)
25 seconds (internal pump)
Operating Requirements
Ambient Humidity
<98% RH Non-Condensing
Operating Temperature
15-35 °C
Power Requirements
115/230 VAC; 50/60 Hz; 80 W
Sample Temperature
10-40 °C
Size & Weight
10" H x 38" W x 14" D
<60 lbs (27 kg)
Data Storage
Internal Hard Drive
12.1" Color TFT
Inlet/Outlet Fittings
1/4", 1/4" Swagelok®
Digital (RS232), Analog, Ethernet